OVER VIEW OF IO-WGCA https://www.io-wgca.org/4_whq_structure.html IO-WGCA INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION-WORLD GREEN CLIMATE ASSOCIATION 1. Names 명 칭 1) IO-WGCA : 아이오더블유지씨에이 / 아이오더블류지씨에이 (Korean) 2) WIPMO IO-WGCA: 세계지재권관리기구 IO-WGCA (Korean) 3) International public legal person for translation into Korean and the registration of intellectual Property Rights: 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 / 국제기구세계녹색기후기구㈜ (Korean) 1) IO-WGCA : 아이오더블유지씨에이 / 아이오더블류지씨에이 2) WIPMO IO-WGCA : 세계지재권관리기구 IO-WGCA 3) 한글번역 및 지재권등록을 위한 국제공익 법인격 : 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 / 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 ㈜ 2. Registration of Intellectual Property Rights: Registration of Trademarks and PCT in 144 Countries (International Government Organization Co., Ltd.) 지식재산권 등록: 상표권 및 PCT 144개국 등록 (국제기구세계녹색기후기구 ㈜) 1) European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO): Organization for EU Intellectual Property Rights Administration 2) AFRICA UNION: (1) African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO): Cooperating organization for International Property Rights between English-speaking African countries (2) African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI): Administration Organization for International Property Rights of French-speaking African countries 3) China patent office 1) European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) : 유럽연합 지식재산권기구 2) AFRICA UNION : (1) African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) : 영어권 아프리카 국가간 지식재산권 협력기구 - 3 - (2) African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) : 불어권 아프리카지식재산권기구 3) 중국 특허청 3. IO-WGCA Constitution, CHARTER, AND ARTICLES IO-WGCA CONSTITUTION or CARTER : (IO-WGCA헌법 및 헌장, 정관) - IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution was designed by F,D. EBM Council, and design copyright is also held by F,D. EBM Council. - TF TEAM was launched to establish an international organization in the Republic of Korea and deposit the Climate Environment Constitution, and the IO-WGCA Constitution was declared, which was summarized in the Climate Environment Constitution.
