The sheikh answers briefly on how to use the index finger during the tashahhud. Q: O sheikh if you could please explain to me the way to do the 'sabbaabe' (using the index finger in tashahhud). Yes. A:You raise the index finger during prayer when you pronounce the name of Allah Or when you make the du'a (supplications during tashahhud) You raise it as a sign of tawheed (oneness of Allah) Q:Some people oh sheikh raise and move their index finger until the end of the prayer. A:Yes, that is because it is believed from some traces (hadeeth) or the likes that it must be moved and that its severe against the shaytaan But the most correct way, and Allah knows best, is that he doesn't move it he just raise it but doesn't move it and that is a sign of tawheed.

tashahhudhow to use index finger in salah prayersabbaabeal-sabbaabeShaykhsheikhscholarsalehal-fawzaanal-fawzansalihsaudifatawafatwafataawaalaal-hawaaprayingsalahislammuslimshadithatharr2011muslimsalafu-salihsalafisalafenglisharabicsaudi1channelsubtitlesصالحالفوزانرفعالسبابةتحريكاشارةالتوحيد