THE GENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN IO-WGCA AND SWC GOVT. OF NEPAL HAS BEEN SINNED ON 3 , MARCH 2021. WORLD DECLARATION OF IO-WGCA AND OVERVIEW IO-WGCA World Declaration of the IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution “IO-WGCA has officially announced the “IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution and the World Declaration on the Green Practices of the IO-WGCA IGC” with the cooperation and support of the government of each country 12 times as follows.” - World Declaration Participants - IO-WGCA F,D. EBM Council Chairperson with Intellectual Property Rights Representative 이우승 Victory Lee; The Global Representative of IO-WGCA with Intellectual Property Rights 박연실 Regina Park; and Design Chairperson with Intellectual Property Rights 김성민 Sung-Min Kim 1st World Declaration (September 2016, Henan Province, China) The announcement of the “World Declaration on the Green Practices of the IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution” officially invited to the ‘6th World Chinese Business Forum’ hosted by the State Council of China, in which 200 Chinese businessmen participate. 2nd World Declaration (September 2016, Qingdao, China) The announcement of the “World Declaration on the Green Practices of the IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution” invited by the China Health Association. 3rd World Declaration (October 2016, Seoul, Korea) The hosting of Medical Care & Health Culture Forum on Floating Island on Hangang River, Seoul, Republic of Korea and the announcement of the ‘IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution World Declaration.” 4h World Declaration (May 2017, Beijing, China) The conclusion of an international agreement with Low Carbon Industry Investment Center and China Law Firm in Beijing Olympic Park, China and the world declaration. IO-WGCA Europe Secretariat - Austria (March 29, 2018.) In Austria, the chair country of the European Union (EU), as the IO-WGCA Europe Secretariat (IO-WGCA-IAB.EUROPE) was officially registered in the Austrian Government Police Agency, winning the application of legitimacy by its Constitution and Law and the European Union (EU) for about two years from 2016, it came to be able to officially perform businesses in all areas included OVER VIEW OF IO-WGCA IO-WGCA INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION-WORLD GREEN CLIMATE ASSOCIATION 1. Names 명 칭 1) IO-WGCA : 아이오더블유지씨에이 / 아이오더블류지씨에이 (Korean) 2) WIPMO IO-WGCA: 세계지재권관리기구 IO-WGCA (Korean) 3) International public legal person for translation into Korean and the registration of intellectual Property Rights: 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 / 국제기구세계녹색기후기구㈜ (Korean) 1) IO-WGCA : 아이오더블유지씨에이 / 아이오더블류지씨에이 2) WIPMO IO-WGCA : 세계지재권관리기구 IO-WGCA 3) 한글번역 및 지재권등록을 위한 국제공익 법인격 : 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 / 국제기구세계녹색기후기구 ㈜ 2. Registration of Intellectual Property Rights: Registration of Trademarks and PCT in 144 Countries (International Government Organization Co., Ltd.) 지식재산권 등록: 상표권 및 PCT 144개국 등록 (국제기구세계녹색기후기구 ㈜) 1) European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO): Organization for EU Intellectual Property Rights Administration 2) AFRICA UNION: (1) African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO): Cooperating organization for International Property Rights between English-speaking African countries (2) African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI): Administration Organization for International Property Rights of French-speaking African countries 3) China patent office 1) European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) : 유럽연합 지식재산권기구 2) AFRICA UNION : (1) African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) : 영어권 아프리카 국가간 지식재산권 협력기구 - 3 - (2) African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) : 불어권 아프리카지식재산권기구 3) 중국 특허청 3. IO-WGCA Constitution, CHARTER, AND ARTICLES IO-WGCA CONSTITUTION or CARTER : (IO-WGCA헌법 및 헌장, 정관) - IO-WGCA Climate Environment Constitution was designed by F,D. EBM Council, and design copyright is also held by F,D. EBM Council. - TF TEAM was launched to establish an international organization in the Republic of Korea and deposit the Climate Environment Constitution, and the IO-WGCA Constitution was declared, which was summarized in the Climate Environment Constitution. - IO-WGCA 기후환경 헌법은 설립임원 집행이사회가 설계하였고 디자인 저작권 또한 설립임원 집행이사회에 있다. - 대한민국에서 국제기구 설립과 기후환경 헌법을 기탁하기위한 TF팀이 발기되었고, 기후환경헌법에서 요약한 IO-WGCA헌법을 선포하였다. 4. Initiators, Initiating Countries, and Continent Unions for Establishment 설립을 위한 발기인 및 발기국가 및 대륙연합 Green Growth’ and legislation ratified in Korea and diplomacy law on international laws.