-a video lesson by Shawn Grimsley, published by Study.com This video specifically outlines a Systems Approach to Management. However, Systems Theory in general is a way of assessing, understanding, and further visualizing the function of any given model - how something fundamentally operates and the product(s)/result(s) which it yields - an interdisciplinary approach to assessing the nature of a given reality. It can technically be applied for conceptualizing the structure of any imaginable plane (physical, social, or otherwise). As actually well and concisely defined on Wikipedia (surprisingly), here is an article for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory In my view, it is one of the most critical parts of what's missing in most people's conception of the world and assessment of reality today. While logical and technically easy to understand, it is not a common sense way of thinking, nor is it therefore inherent even to most people's process for rational thought/inquiry. Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/systems-approach-to-management-theory-lesson-quiz.html

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