Best Movies?! Yes! Best Quotes from Movies?? You bet! Tell ME in the comments below what was YOUR favorite quote from this movie. Billy Jack 1971 Top 10 10 Martin, do you know what mental toughness is? Well, mental toughness is the ability to accept the fact that you're human and that you're going to make mistakes - lots of 'em - all your life. And some of them are gonna hurt people that you love very badly. But you have the guts to accept the fact that you ain't perfect. And you don't let your mistakes crush you and keep you from doing the very best that you can. 9 You just can't keep making your own laws. There's got to be one set of laws fair for everyone, including you. That's fine. When that set of laws is applied to everyone, then I'll turn the other cheek too. There's got to be a better way to change those people. CHANGE those people? You worked with King, didn't you? Yes! Where is he? Dead. And where's Bob and Jack Kennedy? Dead. Not "dead", their brains blown out! Because YOUR people wouldn't even put the same controls on their guns as they do on their dogs, their bicycles, their cats, and their automobiles. 8 Now you drop that gun or I'll shoot her! I'm not gonna ask you again. You won't have to. What? I said shoot her. You'd kill her? just like that? You'll kill her. And then I'll kill you. Just like that. 7 I pray Billy kills him! You mustn't tell Billy, Cindy. Why not? Because he will kill him. DAMN YOUR PACIFISM! 6 We got the law here, Billy Jack. When policemen break the law, then there isn't any law - just a fight for survival. 5 I'll be damned! That Injun is shootin' back! 4 We'll go someplace else, someplace were it doesn't have to be like this. Oh, really? Tell me, where is that place? Where is it? In what remote corner of this country-no-entire goddamn planet is there a place were men really care about one another and really love each other? Now, you tell me were such a place is, and I promise you that I'll never hurt another human being as long as I live. Just one place! 3 Now, which is it gonna be: drive your car in the lake or get a dislocated elbow? 2 You know what I think I'm gonna do then? Just for the hell of it? Tell me. I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face...and you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it. Really? Really. 1 And I think of the number of years that she's going to have to carry in her memory... the savagery of this idiotic moment of yours... I just go BERSERK! Now the largest movie quote library on YouTube, Internet, World! Subscribe and God will Love you too. #BestMovieQuotes #Top10MovieQuotes #GodLovesMoviesToo

Top 10 QuotesBest movie quotesTop 10 movie quotesBilly Jack 1971 best quotesBilly Jack quotes