This is the story of Willie B. (1958-2000), a western lowland gorilla who spent 27 years in isolation, locked behind heavy steel bars in a sterile concrete room with only a tire swing and a small television set to keep him company. In 1988, when Willie B. was 30 years old, Atlanta's former Grant Park Zoo became the greatly improved Zoo Atlanta. One of the best improvements was an outdoor habitat for Willie B. The lonely gorilla was allowed to go outdoors for the first time since he was an infant and soon, other gorillas were added to his enclosure so that he could become the leader of his own troop. Willie B. sired five children before his death in 2000. A few days after his death, a memorial service was held at Zoo Atlanta. Thousands of people came to say their goodbyes. Willie B.'s story is one of deprivation, survival, resilience, and innate dignity. He made a difference in our world and he will be long remembered.

#Willie B.#Zoo Atlanta#Grant Park Zoo#Western Lowland Gorilla#Andrew Young#Breck Parkman