In this single video, we're building an entire, modern SaaS Platform from beginning to end. ⭐Kinde Auth: ⭐Discord for questions/answers: ⭐GitHub Repo: Full Feature List: 🛠️ Complete SaaS Built From Scratch 💻 Beautiful Landing Page & Pricing Page Included 🔒 Authentication Using Kinde 💳 Free & Pro Plan Using Stripe ⚡ Infinite Message Loading for Performance 📄 A Beautiful And Highly Functional PDF Viewer 🔄 Streaming API Responses in Real-Time 🎨 Clean, Modern UI Using 'shadcn-ui' 🚀 Optimistic UI Updates for a Great UX 📤 Intuitive Drag n’ Drop Uploads ✨ Instant Loading States 🔧 Modern Data Fetching Using tRPC & Zod 🧠 LangChain for Infinite AI Memory 🌲 Pinecone as our Vector Storage 📊 Prisma as our ORM 🔤 100% written in TypeScript 🎁 ...much more Copy & Paste list to follow along with the video (optional): Thanks so much to Kinde for making this huge project possible by sponsoring this video! Chapters: 0:00 - What you'll learn & demo 5:38 - Creating the project together 8:16 - The SaaS Process Overview 9:22 - Creating the Landing Page 33:36 - Making the Landing Page Look Awesome 1:11:31 - Creating the Navbar 1:20:37 - Authentication 1:27:13 - Creating our Dashboard 1:41:05 - Syncing our Database 1:49:30 - tRPC Setup 2:06:39 - Creating our Database 2:18:29 - Finishing our Database Sync 2:24:06 - Perfecting our Dashboard 3:12:33 - Let Users Delete Files 3:25:21 - Dynamic Data Fetching in NextJS 3:32:03 - Designing our Product Page 3:44:33 - Creating our File Uploader 4:13:33 - Setting up UploadThing 4:24:45 - Perfecting our File Uploader 4:50:41 - Rendering PDF Files 5:06:41 - Feature Bar for PDF Renderer 5:57:29 - Creating the Messages Section 6:14:17 - Instant Loading States 6:22:12 - Creating our Chat Input 6:31:55 - Make Components work together using Context 6:41:14 - Streaming API Response in real-time 7:26:27 - Receiving Stream on the Client 7:38:38 - Infinite Queries for Performance 7:58:51 - Displaying Messages 8:23:49 - Optimistic Updates for Instant Feedback 8:55:54 - Infinite Queries & Streaming Demo 8:59:17 - Stripe Setup 9:03:31 - Creating our Pricing Page 9:34:55 - Payment Integration 9:39:31 - Subscription Management Page 9:55:37 - Preview Deployment 10:07:04 - Finishing the Navbar When Logged In 10:43:08 - Making Link Previews Look Beautiful 10:51:48 - Give Pro Plan Better Features 11:05:27 - Deployment to Vercel & Final Test

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