This video highlights a two sentence description of the essence of the teachings within the thousands of lines of Prajnaparamita Sutras, as explicated by Dr. Edward Conze in the introduction to his sutra translations in the book entitled "The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom" (Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, UC Berkeley). The relevant section of the introduction is as follows: "All the many thousand lines of this Sutra can be summed up in two sentences: 1. One should become a Bodhisattva (a Buddha-to-be), i.e. someone content with nothing less than all-knowledge attained through the perfection of wisdom for the sake of all living beings. 2. There is no such thing as a Bodhisattva, or all-knowledge, or a "being", or the perfection of wisdom, or an attainment. The solution of this dilemma lies in nothing else than the fearless acceptance of both contradictory facts." At the end of this video is a recitation of a version of the Heart Sutra that is composed of elements from various translations.

buddhabuddhismprajnapranjaparamitawisdomsunyatamahayanagreat vehiclebodhisattvaemptinessheart sutraavalokitesvarakuan yinguan yinsariputraskillful meansform is emptinessfive skandhas