▼ Listen to Emberz on Spotify/ITunes: https://fanlink.to/fS9 ▼ VIDEO CREATORS: You are free to use this song in any of your monetized videos, royalty free! Please provide credit by writing in your video's description box: "Music: "Prelude from Suite #1 for Cello, Dubstep Remix" by Emberz Download for FREE: http://www.emberzmusic.com/ Follow Emberz: Http://www.youtube.com/emberzmusic Http://www.soundcloud.com/emberzmusic Emberz provides his music to all creators for free to use in their monetized videos" -------------------------------------------------------------- Artwork by Jacques Pena http://www.artofjacques.com/ Bach's prelude from the first cello suite is perhaps the most famous song ever written for the cello. The strangest part about this piece is that it was written with virtually NO notations on how to play it. All there are are the note-- Bach, or his wife who copied it did not leave any clue as to the dynamics, accents, bowings, etc. This means that this famous piece has always been entirely up to the individual performer to interpret how to play it, and it leaves room for each cellist to put their own unique touch on it My cello teacher told me once that "music is a lot more then just notes on a page" This is my attempt to write in my own notes that were unwritten, to infuse it with my own emotions, and share in a new way the passion and beauty of J.S. Bach's masterpiece

Johann Sebastian Bach (Author)Cello Suites (Composition)Cello Preludedubstepcelloedmelectro