2014年,蔣勳把都市生活做了捨離,不看電視,減少刷手機,帶著筆、墨、幾本書、簡單的行李,搬到台東的小農村:池上。他住進廢棄60年的老宿舍,除了換床鋪幾乎保留原樣,跟著農民“日出而做,日入而息”,重新找回身體的自然秩序,“人離開土地、空氣、水才會活不下去,我覺得自己在池上好富有。” In 2014, deciding to stay away from urban life, Chiang Hsun left tv behind, used mobile phone less and moved to Chishang, a small village in the east of Taitung, with pens, ink, a few books and simple luggage. He lived in a 60-year-old dormitory where he kept the house almost the same as it used to be except changing the bed. He started working as the sun rose and rested when the sun went down, just like farmers. He found the natural laws of his body again. ‘Human only can’t live without earth, air and water, and I feel I’m so rich in Chihshang,’ said Chiang. 訂閱一条 ▶https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqt2rZ99X4U&t=150s 一条視頻,每日更新,請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知!(字幕點擊視頻右下角設置即可找到) 🎥本週最熱門視頻 ▶【東京市中心18㎡的夫妻之家 】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOyM1DqZOuo 🎥一条最熱門視頻 ▶【重慶單身小哥的300㎡婚房】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHYpNMwnBzo ▶ 【蕭敬騰的8層單身豪宅】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3d9-pMUXHg ▶ 【日本4層半露天的家】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrcNh06_dPA 🔼上一部影片:【講一個私密故事,換免費食宿的房子】https://youtu.be/KhoQnJV4MnY 🔽下一部影片,明天見! 其他連結🔗 facebook:https://www.facebook.com/yitiaotv/ 如果你有微信,記得關注我們的微信公眾號【一条(ID:yitiaotv)】在那裡,你將第一時間收到精彩內容。
