Add me as a friend on Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: About this video: The French Defense is a unique weapon in which black lets white take control of the center with e4 and d4, and only then strikes back with d5 to counterattack. This chess opening actually has a lot of aggressive lines where the game can become extremely complicated, so it's a good idea for both white and black players to be prepared. In the Advance variation, white pushes his pawn to e5 to gain a space advantage in the center and can usually launch an attack on the kingside. However, black generally will expand on the queenside and can launch a queenside attack of his own. White also has the option of playing Nc3 and if black proceed with Bb4 we have entered the Winawer variation of the French Defense. In this video I go over the poised pawn variation, a sharp and tricky line where both sides need to be careful.

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