道家清心诀 清心如水,清水即心。微风无起,波澜不惊。幽篁独坐,长啸鸣琴。禅寂入定,毒龙遁形。我心无窍,天道酬勤。我义凛然,鬼魅皆惊。我情豪溢,天地归心。我志扬迈,水起风生!天高地阔,流水行云。清新治本,直道谋身。至性至善,大道天成!  心若冰清,天塌不惊。万变犹定,神怡气静。尘垢不沾,俗相不染。虚空甯宓,混然无物。无有相生,难易相成。份与物忘,同乎浑涅。天地无涯,万物齐一。飞花落叶,虚怀若谷。千般烦忧,才下心头。即展眉头,灵台清悠。心无罣碍,意无所执。解心释神,莫然无魂。水流心不惊,云在意俱迟。一心不赘物,古今自逍遥。 We strongly believe that each individual is unique and as such, our Tai Chi fitness program is always uniquely customized based on each individual needs. NewAgeTaichi fitness program helps to prevent or eliminate injury and pain such as the knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, soreness and fatigue which is often due to poor postural habits and sedentary lifestyle. In NewAge, we are committed to creating a Great Positive and lasting experience for our clients. We don't simply teach Tai Chi. The teaching of Tai Chi is merely the stage we use to deliver an experience designed to entice clients to come back for more Private 1-1 and group Tai Chi Classes available at Evolution Fitness Studio located at ITE College West, Singapore. Corporate Tai Chi Clinics and Workshop available For more information, visit www.NewAgeTaichi.com