Arthurian Legend is filled with magical characters, but few standout quite like Morgan le Fay, or Morganna. In modern fiction, she is portrayed as the evil or morally gray sorceress sister of King Arthur, rival to Merlin and mother of Mordred. However, in old manuscripts from Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Vulgate and Post-Vulgate Cycles, Sir Thomas Malory, and others her origins and intentions are not always so clear. She has been portrayed as a fairy, a goddess, a sorceress, a kindly healer, a scheming villain, or a cunning trickster. But in all interpretations, she is a powerful force, capable of swaying the tide of any story she appears in! Support us on Patreon! MYTHOLOGY HAS BEEN TOLD AND RETOLD IN MANY FORMS ACROSS TIME, STORIES AND ACCOUNTS MAY VARY. MUSIC: "Ocean Daughter" by Adrian von Ziegler "Deirdre's Dream" by Adrian von Ziegler CLIPS: Stock footage of mist OPENING: ARTISTS FEATURED: John Howe Xulvath art SillyPillow art Francisco Souza Aguirre Edward Burnes Jones John William Waterhouse Nitrox Marquez Michael A Yakutis Dora Curtis William Henry Margretson Kimsol art Frederic Sandys James Hodge Liliane art Iribel art Michael Howe arts Diana Van Damme Mitch Foust Banished Shadow art Nicole Cadet Robert Zoltan Any’s Kill art Elesiane Huve Gabe Rose Weston T Jones Zobeide Howard David Johnson REFERENCES: “Vita Merlini” by Geoffrey of Monmouth Echard, Siân. “Morgan Le Fay.” Morgan Le Fay, Accessed 11 Sept. 2022. Celtic Mythology - The Nature and Influence of Celtic Myth from Druidism to Arthurian Legend by Ward Rutherford The Handy Mythology Answer Book by David A. Leeming Ph.D. The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends by Ronan Coghlan Celtic Myth and Religion - Study of Traditional Belief, with Newly Translated Prayers Poems and Songs by Sharon Paice MacLeod The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker “Morgan Le Fay | Legendary Figure.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Accessed 11 Sept. 2022. Norton Anthology English Literature – The Middle Ages – Tenth Edition, Stephen Greenblatt & James Simpson If we used your artwork please let us know so we can give proper credit!

Mythology UnleashedMythologyMythGreekEgyptianCelticVikingNorseNordicMeso-AmericanGodsGoddessesMonstersHeroesHeroinesMagicGrimm Fairy TalesArthurian legendMorgan le FayMorgan le FeyMorgannaKing ArthurArthur PenndragonMerlinUther PenndragonGorloisYgraineIgraineMordredLe Morte d'ArthurLife of MerlinMatter of BritainVita MerliniVulgate CycleBattle of CamlannLancelotGuinevereCamelotAvalonLady of the Lake