Composer: Lidauer, Lyrics: Zdrojewski/Biderman One of the most popular Polish tangos in late 30s. It was written by Władysław Lidauer, who died in Warsaw ghetto. Adam Aston under the name of Ben Lewi recorded it in Hebrew for Syrena-Electro already in 30s. The translation was made by Biderman. During the II world war, this record found it's way to Tel Aviv. Maybe it was brought there by Adam Aston himself, who came to Palestine with General Anders Polish Army. Vocal: Olga Mieleszczuk, Piano: Hadrian Tabęcki, Violin: Grzegorz Lalek, Contrabass: Wojciech Pulcyn, video: Amir Nezer

polishjewish30thiesHebrew Language (Human Language)Tangoviolinwarsawolga mieleszczuk