*Other Mr. Kitty sheet music:* youtube.com/@sheet-music/search?query=Kitty Made by request. An accurate transcription for easy *piano* notated precisely as it should be performed to reduce ambiguity. Lyrics and vocables _("ah-ah"s)_ are always included in my sheet music because I think we should always *sing* while playing piano (even classical pieces). You can also use it as karaoke. Intermediate piano players can *re-arrange* the left hand by breaking harmony *chords* in arpeggios or other bass patterns. Please, notice that the upper stave is written using a treble clef with the numeral 8 below it (a so-called suboctave clef). This indicates that the pitches sound an octave lower. Play the right hand one octave lower than written. I do it to avoid using ledger lines that slower sighreading. Bookmark and *play the synthesia video with 0.5 speed to practice the song.* Printscreen to save instead of *pdf* — Chrome extensions like "youtube screenshot" make HQ pictures. There are only 4 pages to print.

Sheet Music악보SintesiaSyntesiaSyntesiaPiano coverInstrumentalCoverKaraokePartitionPartituraKlaviernotenSynthesiaTutorialНотиНоты