I love Borderlands 2 and it is still one of my favorite games of all time. Borderlands 1 is a quaint little vibe and Borderlands 3 was super ambitious but didn't quite stick the landing. I forgot to credit one video during my video so I'll just put a link to it here. It's the Tannis logs compiled: https://youtu.be/y0J_KNap6EA If you wanna reach me to talk or show me a cool frog: Twitter: https://twitter.com/frogewater Low-Effort Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@amerefrognoless

BorderlandsBorderlands 2Borderlands 3Gearboxvideo essaygaming video essaygaming essayvideo gamesgaminggamesvault huntersretrospectivereviewgaming retrospectiveSteeleHandsome JackTyreen CalypsoTroy CalypsoFrogwater