View the clip and then go to to access the documentary.... South Africa's Free State is an ancient land, one steeped in archeological and palaeontological treasures. Stone Age artefacts, implements and fossils have been found in many areas and its rich cultural tapestry is enhanced by fascinating folklore, myths & legends. Meet the legendary Renier de Winaar who encounters the Devil on the slopes of the Aasvoelberg and creates the famous Eye of Zastron. Journey down the Orange River in search of the fabled water spirit and make contact with the spirit of the great philosopher and writer Sir Laurens van der Post. Produced by Tekweni Media. @Tekweni

Eye of ZastronZastronfree state south africaSouth Africa TravelOrangeRiverfossilsRenierdeWinaarEyeStoneageartefactslegendsmythsfolktlalesRenier de WinaarOrange riverculuturetreasurespalaeontologicalancient landArcheologicalorange river south africa