What on Earth happened to the Moors, and who were they exactly? In the United States and Europe, the connotation of the term "Moor" has evolved extensively over time, to the point where in most Western depictions they are portrayed exclusively as people of dark-skinned Sub-Saharan African descent, but is this actually accurate to the history and region from which they originated? This is a contentious subject due to the historic tensions throughout the Mediterranean between Muslims, Christians and Jews, but in today's video we are going to be looking at the actual Maurs or Moors of North Africa, and what happened to them after their conquest of Iberia, Sicily and other parts of Southern Europe, as well as taking a look at some other groups that have adopted the term "Moor" over the years. Thanks for watching! Sources: https://www.mariobadagliacca.com/moors_of_sicily_2018-r10994?_mob=1 https://www.britannica.com/event/Reconquista https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/reference/people/who-were-moors/

masamanWhat on Earth Happened to the MoorsMoorsWho were the MoorsWere the Moors AfricanWere the Moors WhiteWere the Moors BlackRace of the MoorsIberian MoorsIslamic Conquest of SpainIslamic Conquest of IberiaIslamic Conquest of SiciliyMuslims in SpainAl-AndalusSri Lankan MoorsIndian MoorsFilipino MorosWhat Happened to the MoorsReconquista of SpainMoriscosExpulsion of the MoorsNorth AfricaHistory of North AfricaNorth African Genetics