**TIMESTAMPS BELOW** Literally EVERYTHING you need to know about Fizz Mid by a fellow Challenger Fizz Player on the League of Legends EUW server. In this Advanced Fizz guide we will be going over the early, mid, late game, how to carry from behind, how to flank, vision control & vision denial, Fizz abilities, wave management, Spacing, Movement, roaming, teamfighting as Fizz, When to play aggressive and when to peel, making a game plan as Fizz and what your goals are as Fizz in fights or in general. In-depth gameplay Fizz guide for League of Legends season 12. Obviously we will also be going over the best Fizz builds, runes, items and ALL matchups on the mid lane. I will not be discussing AD Fizz for now... but maybe in the future if people do want to know more about that ;) FOLLOW US! TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/esrucnl TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/esrucnl TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/esrucnl DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jG5cZBy 0:00 Introduction Montage 1:41 EsrucNL 4:34 Why Play Fizz? 6:00 Fizz Pros and Cons 9:30 Fizz Runes (and why?) 23:54 Fizz Summoner Spells 26:03 Fizz Abilities 29:14 Fizz ability order 33:20 Fizz Combo's 43:27 Fizz items 47:03 Fizz laning phase items 54:27 ALL AP ITEMS EXPLAINED 1:01:45 Wave Management 1:09:25 Spacing / Movement 1:11:03 Creating a GAME PLAN as Fizz 1:20:48 How to play Early game as Fizz 1:32:52 How to roam as Fizz 1:37:07 How to Vision control / Vision denial / Jungle tracking 1:40:55 How to play Mid game as Fizz 1:47:23 How to play Late game as Fizz 1:52:21 How to Teamfight as Fizz 1:56:37 How to play from behind as Fizz 2:03:05 Game 1: Playing from behind the ENTIRE game 2:43:52 Game 2: Carrying a ''lost'' game 3:19:04 Fizz Matchups EASY MATCHUPS 3:19:38 Karma 3:21:08 Katarina 3:24:35 Pyke 3:25:38 Veigar 3:26:38 Xerath 3:27:39 Brand 3:28:15 Vel'Koz 3:29:13 Lux 3:30:08 Karthus 3:31:49 Ziggs 3:33:02 Taliyah 3:34:37 Seraphine 3:35:23 Zeri 3:36:18 Malphite 3:37:06 Kog'Maw 3:38:14 Cho'gath 3:39:10 Kayle 3:41:28 Zoe 3:43:18 Aurelion Sol 3:44:44 Gangplank 3:46:03 Syndra 3:47:14 Viktor 3:48:01 Zilean 3:50:00 Ryze 3:50:54 Orianna 3:52:01 Neeko 3:53:24 Corki 3:54:37 Ahri 3:56:34 Ekko 3:58:45 EVEN MATCHUPS 3:58:50 Tristana 4:00:37 Vex 4:02:08 Nasus 4:03:32 Gragas 4:04:58 Azir 4:06:51 Jayce 4:07:47 Cassiopeia 4:10:39 Malzahar 4:11:39 Akshan 4:13:21 Anivia 4:15:22 Qiyana 4:16:41 Talon 4:18:05 Zed 4:20:21 Irelia 4:21:52 Yone 4:23:15 Yasuo 4:24:39 Akali 4:25:48 HARD/BAD MATCHUPS 4:25:53 Kassadin 4:29:01 Lissandra 4:30:15 Tryndamere 4:32:21 Rumble 4:33:23 Leblanc 4:35:03 Renekton 4:36:02 Garen 4:37:13 Diana 4:38:32 Galio 4:39:51 Sylas 4:41:30 Vladimir 4:43:24 Kled 4:44:36 Graves 4:45:02 Sett ENDING / FUNNY CLIP 4:46:10 Final Words Fizz MobaFire (Written) guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/12-11-nuke-soloq-with-the-shark-i-challenger-fizz-guide-by-esrucnl-609527 The videos reference for wave management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_8j_73WqOc&ab_channel=LoLAnalyst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd0boZQkyuo&ab_channel=BlitzEsportsLoL #LeagueOfLegends #Fizz #Challenger #EsrucNL
