Ultimate Next 14 Course: https://www.jsmastery.pro/next14 Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 14 application. Quick heads up: This tutorial covers Next.js 13, but don't let that number fool you. Next.js 14 is essentially a performance-focused update of version 13. That means every concept, technique, and feature we dive into here is just as applicable and relevant in Next.js 14 Want to land your dream programming job in 6 months? ⭐ JSM Masterclass Experience - https://jsmastery.pro/masterclass Become a Software Engineer. Guaranteed. 📚 Materials/References: Ultimate Next.js 14 Roadmap: https://resource.jsmastery.pro/nextjs-guide GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐): https://github.com/adrianhajdin/project_next_14_ai_prompt_sharing GitHub Gist Code: https://gist.github.com/adrianhajdin/6df61c6cd5ed052dce814a765bff9032 Zipped Assets: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15bGW9HBImu1p3HAYalnaj2Ig_Sn-1c-f/view?usp=share_link In this video, you'll learn: - Next.js 14 App Folder Structure - Next.js 14 Client Components vs Server Components - Next.js 14 File-based Routing (including dynamic and nested routes) - Next.js 14 page, layout, loading, and error Special Files - Next.js 14 Serverless Route Handlers (Next API, Full Stack Apps) - Next.js 14 Metadata and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Three ways to fetch data in Next.js: - Server Side Rendering (SSR), - Static Site Generation (SSG) - Incremental Static Generation (ISR) 🌎 Find Me Here: Discord Group: https://discord.gg/n6EdbFJ Instagram: https://instagram.com/javascriptmastery Twitter: https://twitter.com/jsmasterypro 💼 Business Inquiries: E-mail: contact@jsmastery.pro Time Stamps 👇 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:33 The Benefits of Next.js 00:12:54 File & Folder Structure 00:18:39 Server & Client Components 00:23:22 Routing & Special Next.js Files 00:31:21 Data Fetching (SSR, SSG, ISR) 00:34:26 Next.js API Endpoints 00:40:48 SEO & Metadata 00:42:48 Promptopia Project Demo 00:44:31 Project Setup 00:53:22 Home page 01:50:17 Create page 02:14:41 Feed page 02:32:28 Profile page 02:48:17 Next.js API Routes 03:06:39 Special Assignment! 03:12:17 Deployment 03:23:06 Share Your Work

next jsNext 13Next.js 13 featuresNext.js 13 tutorialNext.js 13 folder structureNext.js 13 client componentsNext.js 13 server componentsNext.js 13 routingNext.js 13 dynamic routesNext.js 13 nested routesNext.js 13 serverlessNext.js 13 route handlersNext.js 13 APINext.js 13 full-stack appsNext.js 13 data fetchingNext.js 13 SSRNext.js 13 SSGNext.js 13 ISRNext.js 13 web developmentNext.js 13 applicationNext.js 13 coursenext 13 tutorial