Clash of the Dinosaurs is a four-part television mini-series produced by Dangerous LTD for Discovery Channel. The show premiered on December 6, 2009 with the first two episodes scheduled back-to-back. Clash of the Dinosaurs was poorly received, with critics citing leaps of logic and repetitive reenactments. The series also became the target of controversy when it emerged that a paleontologist interviewed onscreen had been quote-mined; the dispute was resolved by reediting the offending scene. Dinosaurs were the ultimate prehistoric survival machines, ruling the earth for 120 Million years. Until now we've seen them as skeletons and robotic models. Dino Body takes a new look at dinosaurs -- from the inside out. Combining cinematic photo-real 3D graphics and leading-edge anatomy and paleontology, we peel back their skin, their muscles, even their brains to reveal the unique inner workings of the greatest beasts that ever lived. Hidden inside dino bodies are the anatomical secrets to surviving prehistoric Planet Earth for millions of years. Presented for Discovery Channel by Dangerous Films, LTD. 2009 ©2010 Discovery Communications, LLC Discovery Channel and the Discovery Channel logo are trademarks of Discovery Communications, LLC, under license. All Rights Reversed. Genre - Documentary Narrated by - Jason Hildebrandt Country of origin - United States Original language - English No. of episodes - 4 Production: Executive producers - Richard Dale, Bill Howard Producer Tim Goodchild Release: Original network - Discovery Channel Original release - December 6 – December 13, 2009 Chronology: Related shows - Last Day of the Dinosaurs
