Balang ganha bungangbu burrami Head shoulders knees and toes bungangbu burrami, bungangbu burrami, knees and toes, knees and toes balang ganha bungangbu burrami Head shoulders knees and toes bungangbu burrami, bungangbu burrami, knees and toes, knees and toes Dhalbirra ngiyambalgali Beat time, we all together Milbu wudhabu, ngaanbu, murrubu, Eyes-and ears-and mouth-and nose-too, ngaanbu, murrubu, ngaanbu, murrubu, mouth-and nose-too, mouth-and nose-too Milbu wudhabu, ngaanbu, murrubu, Eyes-and ears-and mouth-and nose-too, ngaanbu, murrubu, ngaanbu, murrubu, mouth-and nose-too, mouth-and nose-too Dhalbirra ngiyambalgali Beat time, we all together Animator Tim Amaro Sung by Dr Uncle Stan Grant Harmonies Elaine Lomas Lyrics by Dr Uncle Stan Grant and Dr John Rudder Produced by Bernard Sullivan (Sharing and Learning) See end of video for full credits.

Wiradjuriindigenous language