Please enjoy LUMIX 20th Commercial Video Award Winner's footage! THE WINNER OF LUMIX 20th COMMERCIAL VIDEO AWARD GOES TO Olivier Steiner. CONGRATULATIONS!! Film Director: Olivier Steiner (IG: @foxpive) Artistic Director: Carol Leo Dällenbach (IG: @loremipsum167) Thank you, Olivier, for your heart-touching video shot on LUMIX S1H.! Please check out the comments on this video received from LUMIX member and LUMIX Ambassador: ■LUMIX member “After watching this film, it made me want to grab my camera, and take photos and videos of the people I love and see them together 20 years later.” ■LUMIX Ambassador Carissa Dorson (@cldorson) “This concept is really heartwarming and well-executed. I love the cinematic compositions.” This concludes the LUMIX 20th Commercial Video Award! Again, thank you everyone for participating in our contest, and taking the time on filming great videos shot on LUMIX! #LUMIX #LUMIX20thAnniversary #Lumix20thLove #Panasonic #MotionPicturePerfect ▼Recommended contents All LUMIX S5 videos LUMIX Creators Films ▼Subscribe to the PanasonicLumixVideo channel for more video info, tips & tricks! ▼Official Instagram

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