In dentistry and the market for dental consumables, the revolutionary potential of digitalization has opened up an array of new possibilities throughout the value chain. Digitalization creates value for dentists and enhances patient safety and satisfaction by making a holistic patient approach possible with an emphasis on prevention and intelligent, patient-specific treatment solutions. COLTENE never loses sight of the health and well-being of the patient as it harnesses the power of digitalization. Numerous digitalization projects in the areas of product innovation, supply chain, business development, organizational optimization and the optimization of dental tools and equipment are under way to make process workflows and dental treatments simpler, safer and cheaper. An extra in creativity and service has always been our aspiration at COLTENE: we call it “Upgrade Dentistry“ – or “Better Quality. Better Reliability. Better Practice“. ----- About COLTENE ----- COLTENE is an internationally operating dental company. The Group develops, manufactures and distributes dental consumables and small appliances in the areas of restoration, endodontics, impression taking, treatment aids and hygiene. COLTENE operates state-of-the-art production facilities in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Germany, France and Switzerland. The company also has its own sales organisations in key markets such as Europe, North America, China and India. Dentists and dental laboratories worldwide rely on the high quality products from COLTENE. The registered shares (CLTN) are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Further information on COLTENE and its products can be found at or at COLTENE`s various Social Media accounts.

COLTENEColtène/WhaledentSwitzerlandCompositeEndodonticsRestaurationwhaledenthygenicparapostparacorebiosonicwedjetsclampsdentaldamcomponeerspechyflexedmcompositekompositparapostbravog4scicanmicromegarestorationendodonticsprostheticsinfection controltreatment auxiliariesrotary instrumentsdental preservationupgrade dentistrytreatment efficiencyRoekoHanelRestorationbursterilizationLaboratorySiliconesUltrasonic cleaningPinsbite registration