Outside in. This breathtaking drone footage gives you an exciting new perspective of the 777X, seeing it in a way you never have before. This plane features: ✈️ A 40% smaller noise footprint than those it replaces ✈️ Maximized efficiency and environmental performance ✈️ A carbon fiber composite wing with a folding wingtip ✈️ 10% lower fuel use and emissions compared to the competition ...and an exceptional flying experience! #ParisAirshow What's Boeing's latest innovation? Subscribe to the Boeing YouTube Channel: @boeing More great aviation videos: ► https://youtu.be/QkZ_7HnzXao ► https://youtu.be/y0fQVN0YjXY ► https://youtu.be/9U4H25_ZM_M Our social media handles: ​ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boeing​ ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/boeing/ ​ ► LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/boeing/ ► Facebook: https://facebook.com/Boeing/​ ► Website: https://boeing.com

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