무료 도안 다운 받기(Free Printable Download Link)💫 https://m.blog.naver.com/ddanycrafts/223598478195 달팽이를 키우고 있거나 키워본 따랑이 있나용~?🍀🐌 저는 한 번도 키워보지 않아서 달팽이에 대해 잘 몰랐는데 이번에 키트를 만들면서 달팽이를 좋아하게 되었어요 ㅎㅎ 생각보다 종류도 많고, 뽀짝뽀짝 귀여운 달팽이..✨ 무료도안으로 함께 만들어보세요 :) 여러분 오늘도 찾아와주셔서 감사해요, 도안 만들고 촬영하는 게 가끔 어렵다가도 여러분의 응원 덕분에 큰 힘을 얻고있어요! 감사해요💛 Has anyone here raised snails or is currently raising them? 🍀🐌 I've never raised snails before, so I didn’t know much about them, but while making this kit, I’ve come to really like them, haha. There are more types of snails than I expected, and they’re surprisingly cute with their little movements...✨ I’ve prepared free templates, so feel free to make them with me :) Thank you all for coming today! Sometimes it’s a bit challenging to create the templates and make a videos, but your support gives me so much strength. I’m really grateful! 💛 BGM: 오늘의 일기 @oneul274

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