A song about data encryption. Bits of the lyric were fed into the Midjourney text-to-image AI. This was the result. Performed by MC Frontalot from the album Secrets From The Future (2007) Also available on Front's d20 vinyl retrospective: https://frontalot.com/d20 Lyric by Damian Hess - Music by Damian Hess, Gaby Alter, and David T. Cheong - Chorus vocal: Ganda Suthivarakom - Keys: Gm7 - Drum programming: Baddd Spellah - Scratching: Daniel Wilkes Image wrangling by Jason Scott, via Midjourney. (C)2007-2022 Level Up Records & Tapes Published by Nerdcore Fervor Conglomerated (ASCAP)
