From the "Deathtrip 69" release. Lyrics included since they we not printed with the cd release. Lyrics ... I'm the pastor of pain To things pretty and tight Hard candy sweet tooth (craves) Cotton panties black as night Tattoos of horror come to life Ripped steel, wet lips Razor blades,coffin kiss Salty silk skin, becomes red liquiorice Six victims Six lives Six graves Six die Suffering comes in sixes Unforgiving hands, anoint tender flesh Choke away ,silver tears Funeral drones, beat from my chest Broken blue eyes, scream regret Blood stained hair cradles once innocent features A tangled burial shround Now hosts a perfect creature Tameeka completes the cycle Until the sky cries again Searching for broken dolls That only I can mend

HorrorGoreNecrophagiaLyricsDeathtrip 69