Learn what it takes to set up a successful crowdfunding campaign. During this webinar we will discuss how to use the crowd to design, launch, market and finance your social enterprise. Increasingly, many social entrepreneurs are turning to crowdfunding as a way to launch their startups. Indiegogo is the leading, global crowdfunding platform, revolutionizing the way people fund what matters to them. Crowdfunding is providing more than just capital, it is creating a new way to build a business with the crowd. Join Indiegogo's Manager of Social Innovation & Design, Alisa Cordesius, and take deep dive into the fundamentals of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Presenters: Alisa Cordesius, Manager of Social Innovation & Design As Indiegogo's Manager of Social Innovation & Design, Alisa empowers entrepreneurs, artists, creators, and change-makers to fund what matters to them. She is responsible for building partnerships and empowering individuals to leverage crowdfunding for social good. Prior to Indiegogo, Alisa worked with several nonprofits including Mercy Corps, Counterpart International, and San Francisco Parks Alliance. @gogoalisa

crowdfundingwebinarcookstovesIndiegogoSocial Enterprise (Organization Type)