... Well, I was pleasantly surprised with this title. I've gone on in the past about how previous Panel de Pon/Puzzle League campaigns are long and drawn out for the wrong reasons. Was expecting the same thing with the first title in the series, but they actually made a change in its highest difficulty here that isn't seen in the other Puzzle League campaigns I've played through. They increased the speed of how quickly the blocks drop and clear. So not only do you have to be good at chaining, but you have to be dexterous enough to match the speed that this mode expects you to have in order to chain. Because of this, this run was a lot more enjoyable for me and such a small change can change your entire approach to a match. Yeah, the garbage battles still happen but they're few and far in between as the AI itself is adjusting to the speed as well. To add on to this, the Stop Timer has decreased compared to other campaigns, so you can't cheese it by using a 4 combo when your stack is all the way at the top to set up your long chain. Several times I've game over'd because I was conditioned to how the other games handled the Stop Timer. I can positively say that this game's campaign is my favourite out of all the PdP campaigns out there (2nd going to Puzzle Challenge). My only gripe is that the AI seems a bit too simple as they don't set up their blocks to counter garbage, which in itself is a different argument altogether to how countering should be handled in PdP which I'll get into if the time is right. Optimally, my ideal PdP campaign is the speed in this one and the AI in Puzzle League's V-Hard campaign (S-Hard is too inhuman at points). Regardless, I had a lot of fun recording this one and might improve my time if I actually care about speed in the future. Had a lot of mess ups & unfortunate RNG that occurred for the matches that lasted for about a minute.

panel de ponpuzzle league