#smilingcritters #poppyplaytime3 #catnap #dogday 🚫NO REUPLOAD!🚫 Original song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82vB4vVqT6Y @recorderdude 's original post - https://twitter.com/RecDTRH/status/1776411986357563422?t=hjQnbBLdYoLOBnYPP1isZA&s=19 This au is called "Wide Awake" made by https://twitter.com/mechanicmeister. Instead of Catnap, Dogday is villain here who forces everyone to stay awake. And looks like he's picked a certain cat as his current target! AND as the video is saying, a sequel to TAKE A REST is coming, it's called TAKE THE TEST! And I'm animating part of it as RecD's team! So stay tuned on his channel, it's an amazingly fun one...

smiling critterspoppy playtimesmiling critters animationpoppy playtime animationcatnapdogdaycatnap animation