Late night chat centered around our Beloved. A sharing of hearts led by Margi Connor and Peter Goodman. Jai Baba! This week we have two very special guests-Alisa Genovese and Pamela Butler-Stone. They will be talking about the Heartland Center in OK. I just recently visited and had an incredibly power time. By Baba’s happenstance, just after I arrived in Asheville, Alisa and I connected and thought it would be great to have her and Pamela share about the center in Prague along with all the efforts being made to make it a place of pilgrimage for all. Alisa Genovese: Has been a Baba-Lover since age 19, over 40 years. She was fortunate to have been reunited with Him so young and grew up under His Wing. She heard His name from a friend while in college at UC Santa Barbara, who became her first true introduction into her life path with Baba. She has an MA in psychology and a private practice specializing in Graceful Life Transitions. Baba is the guiding force behind all she does. She is currently working on a project in conjunction with the Heartland Center in Prague OK to acquire and memorialize the sacred sites related to Baba’s 1952 accident and recuperation. Pamela Butler-Stone had been searching since childhood for what was real, and finally learned of Meher Baba from her art teacher in college, Enfield Richmond. As soon as she saw Baba‘s face and read His words on a small card, she knew that this was who she had been seeking her whole life. In the world, she is an artist, photographer, interior, designer, and president of the Avatar Meher Baba Heartland Center. In all of these roles, she tries to be true to Baba‘s message “To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms, truth, love purity, and beauty… “ They will be sharing a bit about the history of Baba’s accident, as well as what the current state of the center is. Feel free to raise your hands and ask any questions. Talk to you all soon! In His Love, Margi and Peter To join the email list for Late Night Chats, please contact Angela This event was recorded live. To be first to be notified of a new video on this channel, please hit the red subscribe button, then the notifications bell. To join future live events, see Please join our Facebook group: