Uppsala the county seat of Uppsala County and the fourth-largest city in Sweden, after Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö. It had 172,402 inhabitants in 2018. Located 71 km (44 mi) north of the capital Stockholm it is also the seat of Uppsala Municipality. Since 1164, Uppsala has been the ecclesiastical centre of Sweden, being the seat of the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden. Uppsala is home to Scandinavia's largest cathedral – Uppsala Cathedral. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest centre of higher education in Scandinavia. Among many achievements, the Celsius scale for temperature was invented there. #uppsala #sweden #uppsalasverige #stockholm #uppsalacity #uppland #myuppsala #nobina #malm #vlog  #thescandinavianhome #detljusahemmet #walking #vlog

Var är UppsalaUppsala CityUppsala LifeBeauty of UppsalaUppsala ciudadVisit to UppsalaUppsala Kommunresidensstad för Uppsala länSveriges fjärde största tätortUppsalaslättenMälarenÖstra ArosFyrisånsärkebiskopenstadsdelenUppsala UniversityAutumn in UppsalaУппсаластаринный город в ШвецииГород УппсалаСтокгольмTätort I uplandLa ciudad es sede de la universidadVisit UppsalaWalking in UppsalaEn dag i Uppsala