Would Reading All Books Make You The Best? Every once a while there is a hypothetical question that stems something like this - What if you could go back in time, what would you change? There is always the assumption that if we could go back in time and change one thing - changing that one thing would enable the person to be 100 times better or may be a countless time more successful. However, there is no element of reality to this assumption. Let's assume for a minute you can go back in time. And then lets assume you can make yourself stronger or better or smarter or ensure the main factors are set in place. However, I still believe that this will not work. It seriously will not make things happen exactly the way you assume it to be. Why? There are just to many variables to consider. You can make one small element of your life proper. But when you do this - you give rise to more elements and more complications and more problems. And the more stronger you get - the bigger the new challenges start to become. So in this video I address the question, if I could go back in time and be the Loy Machedo that is today with the knowledge and the expertise - what would I be? ------------------------------- TO CONTACT loy@loymachedo.com | +66-92-541-4784 TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Please send money via paypal to loy@loymachedo.com QUORA PROFILE https://www.quora.com/profile/Loy-Machedo MENTORING SERVICES http://thinkpersonalbranding.com/ MY BLOG https://loymachedo.com WHO AM I? http://whoisloymachedo.com MORE ABOUT ME? Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

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